Locating a bank is now easy and effortless. All it requires is you to select your bank name, state, district and branch. One may require IFSC code, MICR code, SWIFT code, PIN code, and routing number at some point or the other for their transaction purposes.
Karnataka Bank - Find more information on Karnataka Bank Karatagi Branch in Karatagi located at No.8-6-98/75-77, raichur-gangavathi road,karatagi - 583229. Also find Karnataka Bank Karatagi Branch Contact Details, Phone and Address.
Karnataka Bank Karatagi Karnataka IFSC Code, MICR Code know all details for Karnataka Bank Karatagi in Karnataka including full address, Phone number and more on india.
Book Kota(Karnataka) to Karatagi NON-AC Bus at lowest prices with Flat 10% OFF on ticket booking. Goibibo provide information about NON-AC buses schedule, fare, timetable, routes, arrival departure timing for Bus reservations online.
Government Polytechnic, Karatagi. Government Polytechnic Karatagi - Koppal District is one of Karnataka's premier technical education institutes started in the year2008-09. The institute is having 3343 sq.ft. of built up area in 5.00 acres of land, with 15061 'latitude and 76065' longitude. Government Polytechnic, Karatagi is rcognized ...
Karnataka Bank Limited, KARATAGI branch is located at KOPPAL city, KARATAGI district, KARNATAKA state and branch address is NO.8-6-98/75-77, RAICHUR-GANGAVATHI ROAD, KARATAGI - 583229. IFSC code of Karnataka Bank Limited, KARATAGI is KARB0000387. MICR code is 583052507.
Find IFSC code of Karnataka Bank Karatagi branch in Karatagi, Karnataka. Also, get the MICR and address details of the bank's branch at PaisaBazaar.
Karnataka Bank - Find more information on Karnataka Bank Karatagi Branch in Karatagi located at No.8-6-98/75-77, raichur-gangavathi road,karatagi - 583229. Also find Karnataka Bank Karatagi Branch Contact Details, Phone and Address.
Bank: KARNATAKA BANK LTD Address: NO.8-6-98/75-77, RAICHUR-GANGAVATHI ROAD,KARATAGI - 583229 State: KARNATAKA District: KOPPAL (Click here for all the branches of "KARNATAKA BANK LTD" in "KOPPAL" District) Branch: KARATAGI Contact: IFSC Code: KARB0000387 (used for RTGS, IMPS and NEFT transactions) Branch Code: Last six …
KARNATAKA BANK LIMITED: Address: NO.8-6-98/75-77, RAICHUR-GANGAVATHI ROAD, KARATAGI - 583229: State/UT: KARNATAKA: District: KOPPAL For All Branches of KARNATAKA BANK LIMITED in KOPPAL, Click Here: Branch: KARATAGI: Contact: 08533274387: IFSC Code
Postal Address of Karnataka Bank Ltd (KBL) Karatagi branch. No.8-6-98, 75-77, Raichur-gangavathi Road, Karatagi- 583229. Contact Number of Karnataka Bank Ltd (KBL) Karatagi branch. Contact Number: 8533 274387, 1800 4251444 / 1800 5728031 / 080 22021500. Email address of Karnataka Bank Ltd (KBL) Karatagi branch. Email: info@ktkbank
Bank: KARNATAKA BANK LTD Address: NO.8-6-98/75-77, RAICHUR-GANGAVATHI ROAD,KARATAGI - 583229 State: KARNATAKA District: KOPPAL (Click here for all the branches of "KARNATAKA BANK LTD" in "KOPPAL" District) Branch: KARATAGI Contact: IFSC Code: KARB0000387 (used for RTGS, IMPS and NEFT transactions) Branch Code: Last six …
Karnataka Bank Ltd - Karatagi is located at Karnataka state, Koppal district, Karatagi city and the bank branch's address is [No.8-6-98, 75-77, Raichur-gangavathi Road, Karatagi- 583229]. Contact phone number / numbers - 8533 274387. Find IFSC Code using the Lists below...
Bank: INDIAN BANK Address: 88-4-93 18TH WARD RAICHUR GANGAVATHI ROAD KARATAGI State: KARNATAKA District: KARATAGI (Click here for all the branches of "INDIAN BANK" in "KARATAGI" District) Branch: KARATAGI Contact: IFSC Code: IDIB000K336 (used for RTGS, IMPS and NEFT transactions) Branch Code: Last six characters of IFSC Code …
CHAITANYA RURAL DEVOLOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL SOCITY KARATAGI KARNATAKA is registered as a Society at koppal of state Karnataka with Ngo unique registration ID 'KA/2012/0054732' . The NGO registration is done by Registrar of Societies with registration number 105/2010-2011 on the date of 2010 September 20th Mon, Its parent ORganaisation is ...
NO.8-6-98/75-77,RAICHUR-GANGAVATHI ROAD,, KARATAGI, KOPPAL DIST,KARATAGI, 8533-27438 . karatagi@ktkbank
Book Kota(Karnataka) to Karatagi SEATER Bus at lowest prices with Flat 10% OFF on ticket booking. Goibibo provide information about SEATER buses schedule, fare, timetable, routes, arrival departure timing for Bus reservations online.
CANARA BANK > KARNATAKA > KOPPAL > KARATAGI 2 BRANCH IFSC Code CNRB0011823 MICR Code 583015411 Bank Name CANARA BANK Address GANGAVATHI-SINDHANUR ROAD, KOPPAL – 583229 Branch KARATAGI 2 District KOPPAL State KARNATAKA Phone 08533 275266/ 9449862265 E-mail cb11823@canarabank
Get IFSC and MICR code of Karnataka Bank Karatagi branch in Koppal city or district, Karnataka state along with address and contact phone numbers. IFSC Code: KARB0000387 "All information provided in respect of IFSC Codes of Banks, contact numbers and other details are for information purposes only.
Book Kota(Karnataka) to Karatagi AC Bus at lowest prices with Flat 10% OFF on ticket booking. Goibibo provide information about AC buses schedule, fare, timetable, routes, arrival departure timing for Bus reservations online.
Book Kota(Karnataka) to Karatagi SEATER SLEEPER Bus at lowest prices with Flat 10% OFF on ticket booking. Goibibo provide information about SEATER SLEEPER buses schedule, fare, timetable, routes, arrival departure timing for Bus reservations online.
K336 No 4 3 88 1 89 90 91 92 93 18th, Ward Raichur Gangavati Road Karatagi 583. Koppal, Karnataka, 583229. Agent | Closed • Until 9:00 AM
Book Kota(Karnataka) to Karatagi NON-AC SEMI-SLEEPER Bus at lowest prices with Flat 10% OFF on ticket booking. Goibibo provide information about NON-AC SEMI-SLEEPER buses schedule, fare, timetable, routes, arrival departure timing for Bus reservations online.
Union Bank - Find more information on Union Bank Karatagi Branch in Koppal located at Plot no 9 to 11,6th ward,r g main road,karatagi gangavathi taluk,koppal dt,karnataka 5832. Also find Union Bank Karatagi Branch Contact Details, Phone and Address.
Get Andhra Bank Karatagi(ANDB0002196) Branch, Karatgi, Karnataka All Branches Address, Phone Number, IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code My Bank Detail
It is a mutual understanding that the visitor's usage of any such information will be at his own preference and risk." IFSC code: KARB0000387 and MICR code: 583052507; KARNATAKA BANK KARATAGI address : No.8-6-98 75-77, Raichur-gangavathi Road,karatagi - 583229, Koppal - Karnataka; Branch code is 000387, Contact Number: -, KARNATAKA …
What is the procedure to search? If you don't select both pin code & categories, all categories all over India are searched. If you select pin code only, all …
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